About this Mama

Hi, I’m Jane Rosa, founder of ChambaMadre. Chamba is Latin slang for lots of “work” and Madre, well that is another word for Mom in Spanish. Let’s face it, Mama’s always have work to do.  I myself am a working mom with many priorities, and I’m always looking for inspiration while also sharing successful ways to get the Chamba done. I have a degree in business, I’m a full time employee, and I am married with 3 children and 3 dogs. I love to cook, bake and believe it or not, I love to clean. Like any mom, prioritizing, having the energy, the time, and executing a strategy that works for my family is a huge challenge. My daily efforts to get my life together are exhausting, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.  My goal is to help harmonize and empower other women to be successful in their roles.  Be sure to subscribe to my blog for my latest inspiration and vision on how we can help each other. 

The Struggle is Real

As usual our efforts to hold it all together cost us blood, sweat, and tears.  We make some of the most difficult decisions for the well being of our families. We decide to go back to work and continue our careers.  We decide to support our husband’s career by staying home. Some of us simply can’t afford to go back to work or stay home. We struggle with the idea that the tiny humans we created will be left with a caregiver who isn’t us.  We beat ourselves up over our decisions and start to feel guilty.  We work hard to be outstanding employees, amazing wifes, and exceptional mothers.   At the same time, some of us are completely new to motherhood.  Let’s admit, that first year is hard. We are in constant survival mode always learning new things and sometimes almost clueless. As females we are experiencing an overwhelm of new emotions while facing the change of our bodies. Our family also goes through so many changes as we learn to adjust. Some of us get disconnected from our family and friends.  Hey, we even lose a few friends along the way. 

We keep going, facing new challenges every day. Inside us is a new feeling we’ve never experienced, our ever growing motherly heart. We harvest warmth that is now blossoming each day with unconditional love for our children.  We learn to take it one day at a time.  The list of all that we juggle is endless. Somehow we manage to do it all, right or wrong, with guilt, with uneasiness, but most importantly, with lots of love.  Regardless of the career choices we make, we are all struggling to keep the household moving. We create routines, we make plans but sometimes things never go the way we vision them to. One thing is real, we learn to cherish those bitter sweet moments of watching our children grow up too quickly. All our struggles, all our fears, all our tears convert to joy and love. 

Again, how on earth do we manage it all? Let us uncover some different approaches together. Every mother out there is in a different stage of motherhood. What are different styles to make it easier for each mama? What helpful advice would you give to other mothers?  Although with a little help, advice, and support we can find the right process to make it work for each and everyone of us. We can all find our own path to cope and share our successes.  Thank goodness for our own mothers, sisters, friends, and even coworkers. This support system is what every woman needs. So go take care of yourself, focus on bettering yourself, get rest, eat well, destress your life, organize what you can control, make yourself a priority so that you can perform at your best.  Now let’s move forward together. 

Let’s support each other!

Please feel free to ask questions and give feedback. You can also subscribe to my mailing list where I will share support and encouragement to all my fellow Mamas. I am extremely thankful for each and every one of you reading my recommendations and tips on how I manage to hold the working mom life together. Good luck my dear ChambaMadres!

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